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Monday, February 26, 2007

wth seh today ... lol . woke up late again ... forgot to turn the damn alarm clock on again ... lucky my dad woke me up ... but it was still late ... 630 oii ... lol ... then i had to take the 655 bus ... tnk gawd i was on time ... lol . went to school with the HUMP ! lol . iya ... had math common test .... sooo hard ... lol . left most of the qs blank ... -_- last 2 qs was soo dammit difficult ... i almost cried ... lol . tnk gawd its only CA . if SA then thats the end of me ... lol . then after that we had d&t ... blasss . nth much happened really ... then recess ... blass ... ally didnt come today ... none of us could contact her ... so this time we had to stay in d math class room/exam room . and this time the teachers had to come to us not vice versa ! :D lol . after sch went to tiong with zara , brenda , adhya . ate macs and took neos with 'em ... lol . what a typycal day ... i know my post very boring . hey , its my blog . if dont wanna read then get lost lor ... kaninah . =p

you will never be replaced ;
9:54 PM

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

what a birthday today is ... lol .
1st. i was ALMOST late for school . thank god the second i step foot in the homeroom the first bell rang meaning no detention ! lol .
2nd of all i got my hh[ confiscated in eng class . i was texting hh when she suddenly called my name and confiscated my phone . wth seh . lol .
last but not least i want to thank all the wonderful people that gave me happy birthday greetings/presents/cards ... ((= i appreciate them much . i dont mind if you forget my birthday at all . but for yana its no excuse girl ! i remember yours ook ! lols . nvm lah . special thanks to the peeps that contributed money just to buy me the cutie strawberry cushion . (:

you will never be replaced ;
9:16 PM

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

HappiE 13th *burp*DaE XIN HONG !!! :DDDDDD
LoorvvEe yA , GarL !!!

you will never be replaced ;
6:03 PM

Monday, February 19, 2007

hello .... 2 more days ... lol . but i seem 2 b not excited as i am 6 months ago ... why ??? im turnin 13 tats a gd thing ... can watch pg-13 ! lol . but somehow somethings wrong ...... 'niwaez , i will sooo write abt yesterday n 2dae's campin @ pasir park 2mrw ... n how my phone went dead jst @ nite ... lol . will post pixx . 4 sure . [=
good nite ppl ! needa seep ! sooo seepy !!!! arrrghhh !!!! lol .

you will never be replaced ;
10:10 PM

Thursday, February 15, 2007

yesterday was vdae n i had ELDDS !!! )): nvm . @ least tis wk's was way better then last wk's . lol . we did breathing n our voice porportion . yeaa . shud be . lols . soo swiit ... rachel hong gave me a prezzie 2dae ! (: tankau ! advance bdae prezzie . lol . btw ppl ma burpdae is 21FEB . rememba tat ya ! lol . n the class commitee 2 . 4 da peeps who r born this term . lol . they gave me a rosemary flavour mask . lol . we had tis nice chocolate cake . ((: yumm . it was nice . n guess wad ??? 2DAE IS AURTHUR'S BDAE !!! :DDDD c i so good 2 mention t in my bloggie ... aurthur you btr tank me !!! lols . jk ! 2dae quite fun ... n guess wad ??? i was like caught 4 times 4 usin my pe shirt seh ... wth . lol . all in the same mornin somemore . lol . manage 2 stick 10 earsticks in my ear !!! success !!! :DDD

you will never be replaced ;
9:57 PM

Monday, February 05, 2007

today d&t we cont. makin our hanger . i made a shark mouth pop-up thingy . lol . wtf . i like so didnt know how to draw a damn shark's head that i had to ask like the whole 1MM if they knew how to draw a damn shark head n guess wad ?
NONE knew . wtf seh . but nvm . tnx to my intelligents , i finally figured out how 2
draw ! whoo ! lol . so blaxx . then after sch went 2 tiong wit zara 4 awhile n guess what ? i saw athur @ the bubble tea shop ! ehmagawd ! arthur like is still the same old him ! lol . i was like practically 'harassing' him . lol .arthur the american boy . ahahaz . the only thng that's change abt him is his HAIR . he looks cute ! lol . not ! ahahazz ...

you will never be replaced ;
8:54 PM

Sunday, February 04, 2007

zara's party was so fun yesterday !
it was held @ her house .
i thought LOADS of peeps were comin' but i was wrong ... lol .
only a few came . butt still fun !
i gave zara a cute winnie the pooh bear .
alot of peeps gave her bears ! lol .
alot gave her scents 2 !
and thats when zara begins too think that she stinks . haha .
did you know that zara's evil dog is so evil . lol . haha .
but cute . lol . i'll show you some of the pixx .
me n olivia !

frewnz ! (:

boo ! lol .

gilerz ! lol .

we're not ready yet ! lol .

cuttin the cake ..

happie burpdae !

slack ! lol .

you will never be replaced ;
4:54 PM