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Thursday, August 17, 2006

forgot 2 say tat yesterday, hein htet murdered an innocent moth! ok so jst now it was malay oral. e pic was okae2 la n readin was okae2 too. soooooo the 2 teachers were 1 wit tudong hu was realli nice n the time keeper face was very menyampa sial. ok so 2mrw is eng! i nitemare 4 suriyana. buttt a so-called easy 1 ferr me. ahahaha. dunno wats rong wit ma template. so 2mrw im gonna change itt. l8er.

you will never be replaced ;
8:00 PM

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

ehmagawd!! 2mrw's PSLE ORAL!!! somemre melayu dulu sial. im freakin out. jst now after recess was music n we continued practicing e dance step. then after was mass lecture bout oral... done ntg much. jst added some peeps on friendster.... scared aaa 2mrw...... WISH MIE LUCK!!!

you will never be replaced ;
2:21 PM

Monday, August 14, 2006

ok so thurs & fri is PSLE ORAL. im in im in da 2nd half 4 thurs n malay is e 1st 1 4 me. n fri is eng n im still in 2nd half. n im stuck witt MIKAIL AND HAFIZ 4 BOTH!!!! crap. ok so ya kno wad? i lost ma HSM C.D.!! n ma #1 suspect is JASMINE. not me onlii. hong n reg 2. on fri i definitely putt it in ma file inside there n yest wen i look 4 it ... IT WAS GONE. i was terrified,worried,sadd,miserable... IT WAS $20 buckksss for gawd sack. im cryiinngg.... hu OULD STEAL A BROKEN CD CASING. so sadd.. chattin wit hein htet is borin... ahahahahahaxxxx........

you will never be replaced ;
8:18 PM

Thursday, August 03, 2006

happie burfdae Hanani! :DDD

you will never be replaced ;
7:00 PM

how could they do tis 2 us?!?! we had jst suffered one hell of a math mock test lst Weds n they're givin us a mock 2?!? y couldnt it be english?! ok watever. so jervina broke up wit wang lai. tats news 1. news 2 is tat ma sch is havin' a jumble sale/fun fair tis sat. news 3 is tat im gonna hav afuckin math mock test 2 tis mon! walauuuu.......... haiixx... SNAP. I jst remembered tat tis mon is ORAL exam too!?!? arrrgghhh!! well... n tats news 4.

you will never be replaced ;
6:19 PM